Q: D'accord, je suis sur un cycle maintenant depuis 7 semaines. Pendant les 5 premières semaines, j'utilisais Essai E 400 (400 mg EW) EQ (600 mg EW), et Winstrol (50 mg EOD) avec Lettre. Au cours de la cinquième semaine, j'ai abandonné le Winstrol et le Letro et ajouté Proviron (75-100 mg ED). Depuis que j'ai fait ça, ma libido est très faible! Serait-ce de la suppression du Winstrol ou de l'anxiété de l'EQ? Je n’ai jamais souffert d’anxiété de performance, mais je commence à le faire. J’aime beaucoup de femmes avec lesquelles j’aime traîner et cela tue ma vie sociale! Je n’ai que 24 ans! AIDEZ-MOI!
UNE: Okay, first off, this is weird, because you should have a sex drive through the roof on Proviron at that dose! You should practically be putting on a ski mask and waiting in the bushes for the first attractive female, dude! It could be mental, but we suspect that your estrogen levels are up at the same time. Are you noticing any gyno or decreased results? We’d suggest maybe starting some HCG for about a week or 10 days, mid-cycle – about 600-800 IU’s EOD. You should also start the Letro again, because it may have been suppressing progesterone levels. In the interim, if this is ruining your sex drive and – ahem – rather active social life, until you get it sorted out you should take some Viagra ou Cialis. It’s really hard not to have a sex drive on Proviron, as we said, so something’s rotten in Denmark, as they say. What’s more, adding test in with that should make you walk around with a hard-on all day long. Go have some blood work done. We’re not doctors.